Battlefield Vietnam

Diposting oleh Aritherev Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Game ini bergenre FPS dan game ini lumayan seru juga. Saya juga ga terlalu banyak tau sih game ini.
Review ajja yuk !

Battlefield Vietnam adalah permainan komputer dalam Electronic Arts Battlefield franchisesetelah Battlefield 1942. Permainan ini dikembangkan oleh Digital Illusions Canada dan dipublikasi oleh Electronic Arts pada 15 Maret 2004 di Amerika Utara dan beberapa hari kemudian di bagian lain di dunia. Battlefield Vietnam mengambil tempat di Vietnam selamaPerang Vietnam, dengan banyak fitur bersejarah, seperti Kampanye KambojaJejak Ho Chi MinhJatuhnya SaigonLembah Ia Drang dan Operasi Flaming Dart.


Battlefield Vietnam is the second video game in Electronic ArtsBattlefield franchise afterBattlefield 1942. The game was developed by the Swedish company Digital Illusions CE and published by Electronic Arts on March 15, 2004 in North America and days later in other parts of the world. Battlefield Vietnam takes place during the Vietnam War. The game features a large variety of maps based on historical settings, such as the Ho Chi Minh Trail,Battle of HueIa Drang ValleyOperation Flaming Dart, The Battle of Khe Sanh and Fall of Saigon. Many parts of the game have been influenced by popular Vietnam War movies. Examples are the player's ability to play Ride of the Valkyries on the radio and the tiger striped M79 from Apocalypse Now.
On March 15, 2005, EA re-released the game as Battlefield Vietnam: Redux (as a reference to Apocalypse Now: Redux), which includes the 1.01, 1.02, 1.1, and 1.2 patches, new vehicles, maps, and an EA-produced World War II mod, based on the previous Battlefield 1942.




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