Chaos League is a fantasy-based sports management game developed by Cyanide and published by Digital Jesters in 2004. The game is a fantasy spin-off of American Football, similar to Games Workshop's Blood Bowl, including fantasy races, magic and the ability to kill members of the opposing team. The game has also spawned an expansion entitled Chaos League: Sudden Death in 2005. The game also features elements of black humour like obscure character designs and comical commentary. The game uses the controversialStarForce copy prevention mechanism.
Game ini hampir sama dengan chaos legion hanya tamilannya saja yang lebih mantep dan tentunya lebih berat. Saya sih belum tau banyak tentang game yang mirip chaos legion ini. Tapi yang jelas game ini tampilannya keren dan berwarna. Sizenya jga lebih besar sampe 200 MB-an tapi mantep.
Cekidot dulu yuk !
Ini yang aku dapet tentang karakter - karakter yang ada dalam game ini.
A team can hire up to 15 players (9 per team on the pitch during the match) with a choice of player positions, each one with their own skills, looks and game style. However not all positions are available for all teams.[4]
- Lineman - Physical players, injures Quarterback more easily.
- Receiver - Fast runners and good at catching the ball, can make a feint against a Runningback more easily.
- Linebacker - Offence force, injures a Bigfoot more easily.
- Quarterback - Ball passers, inflicts feinting penalty on a receiver.
- Runningback - All round player, stronger with ball with armour bonus against Linebacker.
- Bigfoot - Special brutal fighters, protection penalty on a Lineman (one per team, except Goblins who have a wider choice).
- Champion - Unique players in many ways, mostly on their race's special skill.
Disini juga kita ga cuman bisa maen single player ajja lho, dan jugakk bisa multiplayer jugakk.
Minimum System Requirements
Recommended System Requirements
Pentium 4/Athlon XP 1.5 GHz, 256 MB of memory, video card with 64 MB memory, 700 MB of space on HDD
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