Tekken 5

Diposting oleh Aritherev
Story Mere moments after Jin's departure from Hon-Maru (which was the canonical ending from the prequel), helicopters start to approach the Dojo. The noise wakes Heihachi and Kazuya up, and moments later, a squadron of Jack-4's burst through the walls. The Jack-4's target Heihachi and Kazuya, and Kazuya immediately deduces that they have...

The Thing

Diposting oleh Aritherev
Game ini merupakan game yang bergenre third-person shooter survival horror dimana disini kekompakan diadu dalam game ini dan anda harus bisa mempertahankan tim kalian dan selalu menjaga agar tidak satupun dari squad-member kalian mati. Review: The game used a fear system and a trust system to increase the realism of the game. This was...

Donald Duck Goin' Quackers

Diposting oleh Aritherev
Hayo siapa yang gak tau donald duck ??? Film kartun kocak ini memang uda ga asing lagi bagi kita apalagi anak - anak kecil khan byasanya suka nnton kartun kayak ginian nii.. Nah, sekarang sudah ada gamenya loh ! Seru lagi ... Disini, anda akan ditantang didalam 20 level dengan lanscape 3 dimensi yang bagus dan mantep demi menyelamatkan...

Commandos 2: Man of Courage

Diposting oleh Aritherev
Game ini tipenya adalah Real-time strategy. Game ini juga mengambil setting perang dunia kedua, game ini juga mirip dengan age of empire 2. Tapi, kelebihan dari game ini adalah grafiknya yang bagus serta lingkungannya uga yang lebih luas dibanding Age of Empire. Disini kita akan menemukan musuh dari negara - negara lain seperti jerman,...

Dead Space

Diposting oleh Aritherev
The survival horror genre is rife with games in which you are isolated in a hostile environment full of monsters, and Dead Space is no exception. But from the moment you're thrown into the middle of the fray in the heart-pounding introduction until the bone-chilling conclusion, it's clear that this is something quite unique. With its disturbingly...

Splinter Cell

Diposting oleh Aritherev
Sam Fisher is back, and he is not in a good mood. Of all the smart decisions made in crafting a new Splinter Cell title, this might be the best one developer Ubisoft Montreal made. Sam's angry and you hear it in every grunted line of dialogue, can see it in the brutal takedowns and interrogation moves and feel it pulsating through Sam with...

Beach Life

Diposting oleh Aritherev
attacks, you're in charge of creating a tropical playground teeming with coeds, clubs, cabanas, and more!Build the ultimate tropical paradise on 12 unique islands using over 50 different structures from bungalows, nightclubs, and hot tubs to souvenir shops, casinos, and water parks Burst out laughing at your partying guests' hilarious antics...

Black & White 2: Battle of the Gods

Diposting oleh Aritherev
Six months after Black & White 2 hit stores comes Black & White 2: Battle of the Gods, an expansion pack that adds some new content for would-be gods everywhere to enjoy. Like any expansion, Battle of the Gods features new levels and abilities to play with, though you may find that it's just more of the same. Still, when talking about...
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